Thursday 9 March 2017

Jay E. Stein, Lending Specialist

For Jay E. Stein, lending is only a small part of what make him an excellent financial services professional and a real estate advisor. He has significant experience that goes back more than 27 years and includezs experience as an entrepreneur and a business strategist. Over time, he has served thousands of clients as a financial services and real estate advisor throughout the United States and all over the world.

Jay E. Stein has founded a dozen different financial services firms related to many different business areas, including real estate financing, wealth management, financial technology and financial education. Overall, his firms have employed thousands of financial professionals and others. At various times, in addition to his role as a financial services real estate advisor, he has been an entrepreneur, a principal managing partner, a chief executive officer, a financial services partner and a director of finance, in addition to being a financial services educator.

Jay E. Stein believes that his mission in life is to change the lives of others for the better, but he likes to lead by example. That’s why he received a good education in the first place, studying International Business Finance and Pre-Law at Bellevue College in Washington, where he also played golf for their golf team. That also explains why he likes to be involved in the community. These days, he works hard to mentor children and to help seniors in any way he can. Jay E. Stein is a visionary, who reads more than 100 books per year because he is an avid learner.